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Dennison Railroad Depot Museum's Underdog Community Development Services

Every community has a dream - something they want to be when they grow up. They have some ideas...but just don't know how to implement them. After two decades of experience in helping to make the dreams of a very small community in Appalachia, Ohio come to life, we have a theory: If we can do it, anyone can do it!

Let us help you fine-tune your vision and create a strategy to put this vision into motion.

Project development, fundraising, community engagement, grant writing...we can help you!

Contact us toll free at 1-877-278-8020 if we can help.

Also follow us on Facebook at Dennison Railroad Depot Museum's Underdog Community Services or on our website at http://www.dennisondepot.org/.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Why projects fail.

Projects don't fail because of lack of money.

Projects fail because of lack of committment and a lack of understanding on how to get a project done.

Even more important than committment is the need for a "Champion" who is willing to take a project on.

If you are that "Champion" and need help getting started, we can help you!

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